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Dos Pueblos Little League

Volunteer Commitment Information

Dos Pueblos Little League works because of all the hard work and effort provided by our wonderful volunteers. Every registered player must have someone who will help out with one of the many positions involved in running the league. These include managers and coaches, umpires, team parents, and concessions workers. Each team also needs volunteers to serve as scorekeepers and help with field maintenance before and after each game. All DPLL volunteers must fill out the Little League Volunteer Packet.

Volunteer Job Descriptions


Scorekeeping will be done using the GameChanger app. Scorekeepers will use their personal mobile device with the app in order to keep score. Paper based score books will not be used.

Scorekeepers are all volunteer parents who dedicate their time and efforts to keeping record of what transpires during every game. DPLL will provide scorekeeper training prior to the beginning of the season. It is encouraged that parents volunteer for scorekeeping in the Coast division to begin learning how to keep score, track the pitch count, hits, walks and errors. As scorekeepers move up divisions with their child, they become more adept at being a solid scorekeeper. Each team is responsible for supplying at least one (1) scorekeeper, with a maximum of two (2) per team for volunteer credit. Scorekeepers are expected to arrive at the field 15 minutes prior to game time to allow time to fill in game data.  

Please refer to the Scorekeeper Section for more information.


Any individual who desires to umpire Little League baseball MUST attend umpire-training clinics prior to the current season. These clinics will consist of both rules and "field mechanics" instruction. Each team is required to supply at least two (2) umpire candidates who will be required to umpire three (3) games each to receive volunteer credit. In addition, the manager of each team must umpire at least one game. Sign-ups to umpire a game will be online soon.

Please refer to the Umpire Section for more detailed information.

If you have any questions, please contact the Head Umpire under the DPLL Board of Directors.

Team Parent

The Team Parent is an important volunteer position on each team. Team Parents assist the managers and coaches with communication of scheduled team activities such as practices and games. They act as the communication link between DPLL and players and their families.

Team parents are also responsible for putting together the team Silent Auction basket (if applicable) and distributing team pictures and Action Photo books (if applicable). Please refer to the Team Parent section for more complete details on Team Parent responsibilities.

Please refer to the Team Parent Section  for further information.

If you have any questions, please contact the Team Parent/Volunteer Coordinator under the DPLL Board of Directors.
Field Maintenance

Each team should have at least two (2) volunteer groundskeepers responsible for  pre-game preparation and post-game clean up. The Visiting Team is responsible for lining the foul lines and batter boxes, raking and filling holes on the mound, home plate area and in the infield. They are also responsible for ensuring there is enough loose soil for kids to slide into at 2nd base, 3rd base and home plate. You should allow for at least 20 minutes for this field preparation. It is the responsibility of the Home Team to drag and water the infield, as well as to rake, repair and water the mound and home plate areas after the game. Bases and hoses must be stored in the field boxes each evening.

All teams should plan to drag, rake and water the field after practice.

Please refer to the Field Maintenance Section for instructions on how to complete the jobs listed above.

If you have further questions or need additional information, please contact the Head Groundskeeper under the DPLL Board of Directors.


Each team is required to provide a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) Concessions volunteers, except for T-ball teams which are allowed six (6) Concessions volunteers per team. Monday through Thursday, the concession stand will be open from 4:30pm to 7:00pm during games. On Saturdays, the concession stand will be open from 8:00am to 6:00pm during games. Two volunteers must staff the concessions stand during each shift. In order to receive credit for this volunteer job, each concession volunteer is required to complete a minimum of two (2) volunteer shifts during the season. Concession shifts must be performed by an adult. Children are not permitted into the concession area. Exceptions to maximum the number of allowed volunteers per team must be approved by the Volunteer Coordinator prior the the end of the season. Please refer to the Concession Stand Section for further information or to sign up for a concessions shift.

Common Volunteer Questions

Why do I have to work a volunteer shift?

No one in the DPLL organization is paid for his/her time, including the board members, umpires, Concession Manager, and Fields Maintenance Director. The league is run entirely by volunteers who work together to make sure the season is a great experience for all Little League players. It would be impossible to keep the fields in good condition or the concession stand running without lots of parent help.

Why don't you just hire someone?

Cost. The fee per player would have to more than double to pay for umpires, concessions manager and workers, field maintenance manager and workers, etc.

Can I just donate my volunteer deposit? 

You do have the option of gifting a $200 volunteer donation instead of volunteering. Please notify your Team Parent or the Team Parent/Volunteer Coordinator if you would like to choose this option.

Isn’t $200 per player awfully high?

We’d much rather have your time than your money.

What if I have more than 1 child in the league? How many hours do I have to volunteer?

If you have 1 child you must complete at least 3 volunteer hours. If you have 2 or more children you must complete at least 5 volunteer hours. If you elect not to volunteer, it is a $200 donation per child.

Can my teenager work my shift for me?

Reliable teenagers who have been approved by the Team Parent/Volunteer Coordinator or the Concessions Manager can work in your place. They are also welcome to work extra shifts in the Concessions stand to earn community service hours. All Concessions stand volunteers must be 16 years of age.

How does the deposit work?

Before your team will receive their uniform, you must submit a $200 volunteer fee for each child. Families can submit one check for all registered players. This check will not be cashed. Your original check will be returned to you at the end of the season if you have fulfilled your volunteer commitment.

How do I sign up for a concessions shift?

Sign-ups to umpire a game or to work a shift in the Concessions stand are online.  Once you are signed up, you are responsible for that shift. We really count on the scheduled people to be there and it is a major inconvenience when volunteers do not show up. If you are unable to fulfill your obligation, it is your responsible to find a replacement. Please notify the Head Umpire or Concessions Manager of the replacement.

Can I help by volunteering for an extra shift in the Concessions stand or umpiring additional games?

Yes, thank you! We appreciate and welcome any help with providing this service for our players and families!

Contact Us

Dos Pueblos Little League

PO Box 8245 
Goleta, California 93118

Email Us: [email protected]
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